Pbench Server API documentation

The Pbench Server API provides the interface to Pbench data for use by the UI dashboard as well as any other web clients.

The Pbench Server provides a set of HTTP endpoints to manage user authentication and curated performance information, called “dataset resources” or just “datasets”.

The V1 API provides a REST-like functional interface.

The Pbench Server APIs accept parameters from a variety of sources. See the individual API documentation for details.

  1. Some parameters, especially “resource ids”, are embedded in the URI, such as /api/v1/datasets/<resource_id>;

  2. Some parameters are passed as query parameters, such as /api/v1/datasets?name:fio;

  3. For PUT and POST APIs, parameters may also be passed as a JSON (application/json content type) request payload, such as {"metadata": {"dataset.name": "new name"}}