Ansible based installation

In the following: we describe how to install Pbench Agent using an ANSIBLE playbook.


The same Pbench Agent version must be installed on all the test systems that participate in a benchmark run, there is no support for mixed installations.


  1. Make sure that you have the ANSIBLE package installed.

  2. Install the pbench.agent ANSIBLE collection from Ansible Galaxy.

ansible-galaxy collection install pbench.agent
  1. Tell ansible where to find these roles.

export ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH=$HOME/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/pbench/agent/roles:$ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH
  1. Create an inventory file (~/.config/Inventory/myhosts.inv) naming the hosts on which you wish to install Pbench Agent and the location of the config file. Example inventory file.


if you’re planning to push performance data to a 0.69 Pbench Server, you need to specify the server’s private RSA key. Example inventory file.

  1. Use the example playbook or reference it to customize your own.

  2. Run the playbook.

ansible-playbook -i ~/.config/Inventory/myhosts.inv pbench_agent_install.yml