GET /api/v1/datasets/<dataset>/inventory/[<path>]

This API returns an application/octet-stream document containing the raw byte stream of a regular file at the <path> within the <dataset> tarball representation.

URI parameters

<dataset> string
The resource ID of a Pbench dataset on the server.

<path> string
The resource path of an item in the dataset inventory, as captured by the Pbench Agent packaging; for example, /metadata.log for a file named metadata.log at the top level of the dataset tarball, or /dir1/dir2/file.txt for a file.txt file in a directory named dir2 within a directory called dir1 at the top level of the dataset tarball.

Request headers

authorization: bearer token
Bearer schema authorization is required to access any non-public dataset. E.g., authorization: bearer <token>

Response headers

content-type: application/octet-stream
The return is a raw byte stream representing the contents of the named file.

content-disposition: <action>; filename=<name>
This header defines the recommended client action on receiving the byte stream. The <action> types are either inline which suggests that the data can be displayed “inline” by a web browser or attachment which suggests that the data should be saved into a new file. The <name> is the original filename on the Pbench Server. For example,

content-disposition: attachment; filename=pbench-fio-config-2023-06-29-00:14:50.tar.xz


content-disposition: inline; filename=data.txt

Resource access

  • Requires READ access to the <dataset> resource

See Access model

Response status

200 OK
Successful request.

The client is not authenticated.

The authenticated client does not have READ access to the specified dataset.

Either the <dataset> or the relative <path> within the dataset does not exist.

The <path> refers to a directory. Use /api/v1/dataset/<dataset>/contents/<path> to request a JSON response document describing the directory contents.

The server has been disabled using the server-state server configuration setting in the server configuration API. The response body is an application/json document describing the current server state, a message, and optional JSON data provided by the system administrator.

Response body

The application/octet-stream response body is the raw byte stream contents of the specified file.