GET /api/v1/datasets

This API returns an application/json document describing a filtered collection of datasets accessible to the client. (An unauthenticated client can only list datasets with access public.)

The collection of datasets may be filtered using any combination of a number of query parameters, including owner, access, name substring, date range, and arbitrary metadata filter expressions. The selected datasets may be sorted by any metadata key value in either ascending or descending order. Multiple sort parameters will be processed in order.

Large collections can be paginated for efficiency using the limit and offset query parameters.

The keysummary and daterange query parameters (if true) select “summary” modes where aggregate metadata is returned without a list of datasets. These two may be used together, but cannot be used along with the normal collection list mode as they aren’t subject to pagination.

Query parameters

access string
Select whether only private or only public access datasets will be included in the list. By default, all datasets readable by the authenticated user are included. For example, without constraints /datasets/list for an authenticated user will include all public datasets plus all datasets owned by the authenticated user; specifying private will show only the authenticated user’s private datasets, while specifying public will show only public datasets (regardless of ownership).

daterange boolean
Instead of returning a filtered set of datasets, return only the upload timestamps of the oldest and most recent datasets in the filtered set. This may be useful for initializing a date picker. If no datasets are selected by the specified filters, the from and to keys (see results) will not be returned.

end date/time
Select only datasets created on or before the specified time. Time should be specified in ISO standard format, as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ffffff[+|-]HH:MM. If the timezone offset is omitted it will be assumed to be UTC (+00:00); if the time is omitted it will be assumed as midnight (00:00:00) on the specified date.

filter metadata filtering
Select datasets matching the metadata expressions specified via filter query parameters. Each expression has the format [chain]key:[op]value[:type]:

  • chain Prefix an expression with ^ (circumflex) to allow combining a set of expressions with OR rather than the default AND.

  • key The name of a metadata key (for example,

  • op An operator to specify how to compare the key value:

    • = (Default) Compare for equality

    • ~ Compare against a substring

    • > Greater than

    • < Less than

    • >= Greater than or equal to

    • <= Less than or equal to

    • != Not equal

  • value The value to compare against. This will be interpreted based on the specified type.

  • type The string value will be cast to this type. Any value can be cast to type str. General metadata keys (server, global, user, and dataset.metalog namespaces) that have values incompatible with the specified type will be ignored. If you specify an incompatible type for a primary dataset key, an error will be returned as these types are defined by the Pbench schema so no match would be possible. (For example, or dataset.access:2023-05-01:date.)

    • str (Default) Compare as a string

    • bool Compare as a boolean

    • int Compare as an integer

    • date Compare as a date-time string. ISO-8601 recommended, and UTC is assumed if no timezone is specified.

For example, looks for datasets with the name “foo” exactly, whereas looks for datasets with a name containing the substring “foo”.

Multiple expressions may be combined across multiple filter query parameters or as comma-separated lists in a single query parameter. Multiple filter expressions are combined as an AND expression, matching only when all expressions match. However any consecutive set of expressions starting with ^ are collected into an “OR list” that will be AND-ed with the surrounding terms.

For example,

  •,server.origin:EC2 returns datasets with a name of “a” and an origin of “EC2”.

  •,^server.origin:EC2,^server.origin:RIYA, dataset.access:public returns only “public” datasets with a name containing the string “andy” which also have an origin of either “EC2” or “RIYA”. As a SQL query, we might write it as like "%andy%" and (server.origin = 'EC2' or server.origin = 'RIYA') and dataset.access = 'public'.

NOTE: filter expression term values, like the true in GET /api/v1/datasets?filter=server.archiveonly:true, are by default interpreted as strings, so be careful about the string representation of the value. In this case, server.archiveonly is a boolean, which will be matched as a string value “true” or “false”. You can instead specify the expression term as server.archiveonly:t:bool which will treat the specified match value as a boolean (t[rue] or y[es] for true, f[alse] or n[o] for false) and match against the boolean metadata value.

keysummary boolean
Instead of displaying a list of selected datasets and metadata, use the set of specified filters to accumulate a nested report on the metadata key namespace for the set of datasets. See metadata for deails on the Pbench Server metadata namespaces. Because the global and user namespaces are completely dynamic, and the dataset.metalog sub-namespace varies greatly across Pbench Agent benchmark scripts, this mode provides a mechanism for a metadata visualizer to understand what’s available for a set of datasets. If no datasets are selected by the specified filters, the keys key (see results) will be set to an empty object.

limit integer
“Paginate” the selected datasets by returning at most limit datasets. This can be used in conjunction with offset to progress through the full list in smaller chunks either to assist with a paginated display or to limit data transfer requirements.

metadata list
Request the named metadata to be returned along with the resource name and ID. This can be a single metadata key path or comma-separated list of such strings. The metadata query parameter can be repeated. For example, the following are all equivalent:

  • ?metadata=dataset.created,server.deletion,user

  • ?metadata=dataset.created&metadata=dataset.deletion,user

  • ?metadata=dataset.created&metadata=dataset.deletion&metadata=user

mine boolean
Allows filtering for datasets owned by the authenticated client (if the value is omitted, e.g., ?mine or ?mine=true) or owned by other users (e.g., ?mine=false).

name string
Select only datasets with a specified substring in their name. The filter ?name=fio is semantically equivalent to ?

offset integer
“Paginate” the selected datasets by skipping the first offset datasets that would have been selected by the other query terms. This can be used with limit to progress through the full list in smaller chunks either to assist with a paginated display or to limit data transfer requirements.

owner string
Select only datasets owned by the specified username. Unless the username matches the authenticated user, only “public” datasets can be selected.

sort sort expression
Sort the returned datasets by one or more sort expressions. You can separate multiple expressions using comma lists, or across separate sort query parameters, which will be processed in order. Any Metadata namespace key can be specified.

Specify a sort order using the keywords asc (ascending) or desc (descending), separated from the key name with a colon (:). For example, or dataset.metalog.pbench.script:desc. The default is “ascending” if no order is specified. If no sort expressions are specified, datasets are returned sorted by dataset.resource_id.

For example, GET /api/v1/datasets?sort=global.dashboard.seen:desc, will return selected datasets sorted first in descending order based on whether the dataset has been marked “seen” by the dashboard, and secondly sorted by the dataset name. The Pbench Dashboard stores global.dashboard.seen as a boolean value, so in this case true values will appear before false values.

start date/time
Select only datasets created on or after the specified time. Time should be specified in ISO standard format, as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ffffff[+|-]HH:MM. If the timezone offset is omitted it will be assumed to be UTC (+00:00); if the time is omitted it will be assumed as midnight (00:00:00) on the specified date.

Request headers

authorization: bearer token [optional]
Bearer schema authorization is required to access any non-public dataset. E.g., authorization: bearer <token>. If omitted, the client is unauthenticated and only public access datasets will be selected.

Response headers

content-type: application/json
The return is a serialized JSON object with information about the selected datasets.

Resource access

  • Only <dataset> resources selected by the filter to which the authenticated user has READ access will be returned.

See Access model

Response status

200 OK
Successful request.

The client did not provide an authentication token but asked to filter datasets by owner, access=private, mine, or asked for user namespace metadata.

The client asked to filter access=private datasets for an owner for which the client does not have READ access.

The server has been disabled using the server-state server configuration setting in the server configuration API. The response body is an application/json document describing the current server state, a message, and optional JSON data provided by the system administrator.

Response body

Dataset date range

The application/json response body is a JSON object describing the earliest and most recent dataset upload time for the selected list of datasets. If the collection filters exclude all datasets (the result set is empty), the return value will be empty, omitting both the from and to keywords.

    "from": "2023-03-17T03:14:02.013184+00:00",
    "to": "2023-04-05T11:29:02.585772+00:00"

Dataset list

The application/json response body contains a list of objects which describe the datasets selected by the specified query criteria, along with the total number of matching datasets and a next_url to support pagination.


When pagination is used, this gives the full URI to acquire the next page using the same metadata and limit values. The client can simply GET this URI for the next page. When the entire collection has been returned, next_url will be null.


The total number of datasets matching the filter criteria regardless of the pagination settings.


The paginated dataset collection.

Each of these objects contains the following fields:

  • resource_id: The internal unique ID of the dataset within the Pbench Server. This value will be used to reference the dataset in most other APIs.

  • name: The resource name given to the dataset. While this has an initial default value related to the benchmark script, date, and user configuration parameters, this value can be changed by the owner of the dataset and is for display purposes and must not be assumed to be unique or definitive.

  • metadata: If additional metadata was requested, it will appear as a nested JSON object in this field.

For example, the query GET https://host/api/v1/datasets/list?metadata=user.dashboard.favorite&limit=3 might return:

    "next_url": "",
    "results": [
            "metadata": {
                "user.dashboard.favorite": null
            "name": "pbench-user-benchmark__2023.03.23T20.26.03",
            "resource_id": "001ab7f04079f620f6f624b6eea913df"
            "metadata": {
                "user.dashboard.favorite": null
            "name": "pbench-user-benchmark__2023.03.18T19.07.42",
            "resource_id": "006fab853eb42907c6c202af1d6b750b"
            "metadata": {
                "user.dashboard.favorite": null
            "name": "fio__2023.03.28T03.58.19",
            "resource_id": "009ad5f818d9a32af6128dd2b0255161"
    "total": 722

Key namespace summary

When the keysummary query parameter is true (e.g., either ?keysummary or ?keysummary=true), instead of reporting a list of datasets and metadata for each dataset, the application/json response body contains a hierarchical representation of the aggregate metadata namespace across all selected datasets. This returns much less data and is not subject to pagination.

“Leaf” nodes in the metadata tree are represented by null values while any key with children will be represented as a nested JSON object showing those child keys. From the example output below a client can identify many key paths including dataset.access and dataset.metalog.controller.hostname.

Any of the partial or complete key paths represented in the output document are valid targets for metadata queries: for example dataset.metalog.pbench.script is a “leaf” node, but GET /api/v1/datasets?metadata=dataset.metalog.pbench will return a JSON document with the keys config, date, hostname_f, hostname_ip, hostname_s, iterations, name, rpm-version, script, and tar-ball-creation-timestamp.

    "keys": {
        "dataset": {
            "access": null,
            "id": null,
            "metalog": {
                "controller": {
                    "hostname": null,
                    "hostname-alias": null,
                    "hostname-all-fqdns": null,
                    "hostname-all-ip-addresses": null,
                    "hostname-domain": null,
                    "hostname-fqdn": null,
                    "hostname-ip-address": null,
                    "hostname-nis": null,
                    "hostname-short": null,
                    "ssh_opts": null
                "iterations/1-default": {
                    "iteration_name": null,
                    "iteration_number": null,
                    "user_script": null
                "pbench": {
                    "config": null,
                    "date": null,
                    "hostname_f": null,
                    "hostname_ip": null,
                    "hostname_s": null,
                    "iterations": null,
                    "name": null,
                    "rpm-version": null,
                    "script": null,
                    "tar-ball-creation-timestamp": null
                "run": {
                    "controller": null,
                    "end_run": null,
                    "raw_size": null,
                    "start_run": null
                "tools": {
                    "group": null,
                    "hosts": null,
                    "trigger": null
                "tools/dbutenho.bos.csb": {
                    "hostname-alias": null,
                    "hostname-all-fqdns": null,
                    "hostname-all-ip-addresses": null,
                    "hostname-domain": null,
                    "hostname-fqdn": null,
                    "hostname-ip-address": null,
                    "hostname-nis": null,
                    "hostname-short": null,
                    "label": null,
                    "rpm-version": null,
                    "tools": null,
                    "vmstat": null
                "tools/dbutenho.bos.csb/vmstat": {
                    "install_check_output": null,
                    "install_check_status_code": null,
                    "options": null
            "name": null,
            "owner_id": null,
            "resource_id": null,
            "uploaded": null
        "server": {
            "deletion": null,
            "origin": null,
            "tarball-path": null

Combining key namespace summary and date range

When both the keysummary and daterange query parameters are true, the application/json response body contains the from, to, and keys key values. If the selected collection filters produce no results, as with daterange alone, the from and to keys will be omitted and the value of keys will be an empty object.